The Girl on the Train (2016)

The Girl on the Train Review (2016).

Director: Tate Taylor
Writers: Erin Cressida Wilson and Paula Hawkins
Starring: Emily Blunt, Haley Bennet, Rebecca Ferguson, Laura Prepon, Allison Janney, Lisa Kudrow and Justin Theroux ETC.

Rating 3/10.00

This film, is a film for once I have not much to say about it. I was very very disappointed. So disappointed in fact that I had walked out of the cinema instead of watching the whole entire film. I have never ever walked out of a film before, but this film really had no attraction. The story-line was boring and how unbelievable... It was literally about a girl on a train. I should have not expected such high things from this film when watching the trailer. The trailer literally had the best moments in... OF COURSE. This film may be for you, but it certainly was not for me. From now on I will not be watching trailers before films... I will just go for the surprise.

The film was very boring and made me feel like I was watching the same scene over and over again until I just had enough. The film is about an alcoholic that is always on a train going past a house that she's loves memorising over. She becomes so drawn to a "couple" that she will get on the train everyday just to watch them. We then start to realise at this point that there is definitely something wrong with this lady. She then starts getting injured from being drunk all the time and people start to get worried about her. The main protagonist wakes up with mysterious injuries and just brushes it off like this is normal when drinking, The film gets way more peculiar when the women that the main protagonist is fixated on goes missing. The main protagonist is the last one to see her. The whole disappearance is a complete mystery and they are in great need of help to try and figure out what has happened.

The story line seems pretty interesting, however the monologue and when actually watching it... I just couldn't help but roll my eyes on how bored I felt.

The budget was estimated at about $45,000,000 and on the opening weekend they had made over $24,000,000. This is with the gross of over $60,000,000.

Check out the trailer:

As always,

Hit That Film!
- Gemma Card

Also let me know if you found the film to be good if you have watched the whole thing.


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