One hit wonders

Luke Pasqualino
1. Luke Pasqualino 

Luke is a wonderful actor, while starring in skins the skills that were shown were incredible. The true emotion that was brought forward each time something went wrong was so powerful that it couldn't be unrecognised. Luke has great skills and it was seen was starring in, blue galactica, snowpiercer and the apparition. Although Luke Pasqualino has been identified to have great talent, he has not been seen in much. But when Luke Pasqualino is starring there is nothing but top quality acting. Luke Pasqualino is unrecognised but should be seen as a great actor. However there is just not enough for this actor to shine in like skins, the actor had his five seconds of fame and will always be thought of for this moment.

Tim Robbins
2. Tim Robbins
Tim Robbins is an iconic figure that is well known for The Shawshank Redemption in 1994. However although this actor is highly remembered for this film. the actor is not known for anything else. The acting skills were so high that it was hard to forget. But Tim Robbins has been in many other films since then like, Mystic River, Ward of the Worlds and Jacob's Ladder, Tim Robbins has never been remembered by a film properly other then The Shawshank Redemption, this is very sad to think that such a well known actor is not well known after this film. Tim Robbins should never be forgotten.

3. Colin Ferrall

This is well known on the set for an amazing intense emotions that has brought forward. However this impression does not seem to go noticed outside the set like it should.Colin shines more in genres with action, thriller and adventure. The true skills show brightly in indie films, but not in Hollywood films and this is why Colin Ferrall doesn't receive the credit that is deserved. Colin Ferrall excels in any film, this is because he doesn't take himself seriously and will do any type of character. One of the most credited films that Colin Ferrall has starred in is phone booth, one film that is highly recommended and has put Colin Ferrall fully on the map.

Hit That Film!
-Gemma Card 


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