The Narrative Theory in Se7en (1995)

The narrative theory in Se7en (1995) 

While watching the film se7en, there are many parts that stand out throughout. The two main protagonists dominate the film at all times, showing their strong personalities and are two very unique characters. The two main protagonists are Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, their names are known as detective David Mills and William Somerset. 

Detective David Mills

Detective William Somerset 

Throughout the film we learn a lot about the characters scene by scene. An example of what it is that we learn is that William Somerset is represented as more disciplined character that has a lot of experience with the job of being a detective. While looking into the costume and make up of William in more depth, William tends to take things much more seriously in everything that he does. This is then conveyed in the way William's costume is like at all times. William will be seen wearing through the film se7en in a full suit including a waist coat. This then represents the personality of William  as being a respected person and very sensible. William throughout the films is seen as being well dressed and well spoken.   

When looking at David's character we seem to get a completely different impression of what the personality is like for this protagonist. The impression that is revealed is that there is a more laid back approach to life. This is shown by looking at the costume and make up of David. David as a character has many moments during the film of just being seen in a shirt and suit towers. This expresses in more detail that David is more laid back then William is. Another example of showing how David comes across as being much more laid back then William is by looking at David's facial hair. The facial hair helps to present a lack of care in David's appearance. We then learn this in more detail by seeing David slouching in a chair when being in situations where it should be more well-mannered.
Se7en is taken place in an urban city in America and represents a negative image of what it is like to live in New York like city. The negative image is shown by the film being in very low key lighting and the weather always raining. This therefore expresses how being in an urban city does not seem as a fun place to be. Another way that the film represents a negative image of where the action is taken place is the music throughout. The music is very dramatic and daunting at most times and gives the impression that the atmosphere is not a good place to be. In a result to this it then makes us feel as an audience that the urban city should not visited. 

The micro elements really help to show what the true potential of a great film can be like. By looking at the figure expression that is used with the main protagonists it helps to give us a sense of what the emotion is we should feel. The figure expression that is used quite a lot in this film is being frantic and a sense of being busy. The fact that this is mostly about running around town on the hunt for a sociopath for a killer, means that there must be a figure expression that shows the panic the main protagonists face, this is done very nicely by looking at the frantic expressions that are used most of the time.

The antagonist - John Doe
The antagonist of the film that is played by Kevin Spacey with the character name John Doe is beautifully acted out. The antagonist helps to create all aspects of the story that includes the genre. The genre is seen as a thriller with elements of action and comedy. This genre would have not been discovered if the antagonist was not a part of the film. John creates meaning of every element in each scene.This is done by using his intelligence against others to create evil. The seven sins that are used as a guideline through the film is done by the mind of John. The motivation to find John has a huge effect throughout the film. The effect is so deep that it results in David's life turning upside down. By looking into the antagonist in more depth the costume and make up has shown him as very mysterious. The reason for this is that we don't see the antagonist much but when do, his clothes are very plain yet create a huge impact. The impact that is created is that we literally know nothing about the antagonist. When the antagonist is finally revealed he is seen with blood on his white shirt and therefore indicates show how everyday people can become something dangerous. While looking into more detail about the antagonist, we learn that the antagonist cuts his fingertip layer of skin of to not be caught out. This represents how the antagonist has no identity and how anyone in society could be hiding something.

Tracy Mills - David Mills wife

Hit That Film!
-Gemma Card


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